Training session – Leadership in safety

Safety is one of the most important values of Evoblast. On January 25-27, 2023, Evoblast Group conducted a training session for managers, engineers and technicians - Leadership in Safety.

Anton Kondrashov, the CEO of Evoblast Group, started the session with a welcome speech, "We have gathered to improve and make our work even safer. It will enable us to work effectively shoulder to shoulder, to the benefit of the company development."

The training session covered all important issues related to the safe operation of the company.

The CEO and Chief Operating Officer emphasized such an important topic as Major Hazard Management techniques, which are reviewed, updated and improved continuously.

Anastasia Burtseva, the HSE Director presented the current safety management system, as well as the approach to comprehensive audits and key safety performance indicators (KPI). She conducted a survey on the safety culture awareness - this caused a lively discussion among the colleagues. A goal was set to improve the safety culture.

All HSE employees were involved in the training, they spoke about the main safety tools, as well as about the main requirements and changes in the legislation.

The company cares about the environment. Therefore, one of the main topics was the environmental protection, proper management of consumption and production wastes, waste dumps and proper waste handling.

The company's managers are proactive to conduct behavioral safety audits with employees and regularly inspect workplaces. Based on the 2022 results, the leaders in conducting behavioral safety audits were recognized and awarded diplomas and memorable gifts during the training session.

The exercises at the training enabled the employees to practice their skills in using various safety tools in real production situations, as well as to evaluate what functions effectively and what requires changing. The conclusions obtained at the training will be used to improve the safety management system of Evoblast Group.
