Success stories

Ivan Veselov
‘The company gives me a chance to implement the projects I am interested in. I am working on projects that improve the efficiency of charging and rock-breaking methods. I seek to alleviate the blasting personnel’s work through machine ergonomics and advanced software. I am interested in projects that improve safety at sites. I want to introduce efficient technologies and methods that meet the highest safety standards’.
Secrets of success
‘Never stop dreaming. Do not be shy about working with a team and do not be afraid to share your plans and projects, because people can augment them.
Each of your projects is a “diamond”, and you will not lose it if you show it to your team. Only your team will be able to turn your “rough diamond” into a “cut diamond”. Success requires new ideas and people who are ready to implement them, people united by the common goal‘.
Ivan has been with the company for over 10 years. He started with underground mining operations in Kirovsk. He cooperated closely with the Zapolyarny subdivision. He was implementing the emulsion explosives charging technology at the Gaisky GOK underground mine, at a Yakutia mine and at other locations.
Ivan has delivered many projects—from theoretical and practical training of the сustomer’s personnel to conducting especially critical blasts, leading projects on modification of charging equipment, charging technologies and first trials of electronic blasting systems (EBS) at the underground mines.Ivan is responsible for the operation of several locations in the North-West region.