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27 December 2024
Above rubies Technologies: Partnership Solutions of EVOBLAST Group at the Polyus Conference

Above rubies Technologies: Partnership Solutions of EVOBLAST Group at the Polyus Conference
From December 12 to 13, 2024 Evoblast Group participated in the Professional Conference “People. Gold. Technologies” arranged by Polyus company, the largest gold producer in Russia. During the event, the participants discussed modern approaches to drilling and blasting, geotechnical and geological surveying support issues, as well as digitalization and automation of production processes in the mining industry.

More than 50 reports were presented at the plenary sessions during the event. Leading companies in the mining sector, as well as employees and students of specialized universities and scientific organizations participated in the event.

EVOBLAST Group and Piklema, a developer of complex technological processes for the mining industry, shared their expertise in the use of innovative technologies. Ekaterina Ivanova, Head of Piklema Computer Vision, spoke about CVision.PitFace software. The program evaluates and analyzes the grain composition of the blasted rock mass muckpile. Photos can be collected with the help of modern stereo cameras and a normal phone using reference objects. It takes about 1 minute to process 4-7 photos with good Internet speed. Ivan Kovalchuk, Deputy Technical Director of the EVOBLAST Group, emphasized that the grain-size analysis is the basis for assessing the effectiveness of the design solutions. The speaker presented the results of pilot tests comparing various designs of hole charges using an air gap in the upper part between the charge and the stemming, in the bottom part of the charge, as well as the use of deck charges. These results were obtained in one of the company’s subdivisions and confirm the effectiveness of the CVision.PitFace software in terms of objective assessment and analysis of the granular composition of the blasted rock mass in working faces.

Another joint development was presented by the technological partner of the EVOBLAST Group, In Vitro Vision, a manufacturer of firmware solutions. Yuri Maslakov, the Technical Director, shared his experience in using the Mayak hardware and software complex to determine the displacement of a rock mass after the blast. It includes rock displacement sensors, a programmer for non-contact activation and adjustment, and a specialized detector for detecting sensors in the rock. The technology is effective in open-cast mining. It improves the operational planning of ore mining, and also allows to improve the quality of extracted minerals. The solution has been successfully tested and is regularly used at the largest gold, copper, and iron ore deposits in Russia. Besides this, the complex is actively used by drilling and blasting contractors.

The professional conference “People. Gold. Technologies” of Polyus company was held for the second time. The first took place in July 2024 and was devoted to the metal ores dressing.

25 December 2024
Small but mighty! New mixing and charging truck (MCU) for narrow-bore tunnel from the EVOBLAST Group and PICAR

In the second half of 2024, the EVOBLAST Group and PICAR presented a joint product for mining companies – a mixing and charging truck (MCU), capacity 1.2 tons. The truck can transport up to 600 kilograms of emulsion explosive (EE), produced without additional filling of components, which allows very quick charging of 2-3 drifting faces. Due to its small size and maneuverability, MCU is an excellent solution for small companies.

The new product is intended mainly for driving mine workings from 8 square meters and more. The unit was developed for a large mining company as part of the production modernization at one of the deepest mines in the Urals. The PICAR chassis has already proven itself at the site, having received the affectionate nickname “Muravei” (Ant) from the miners. Now the partnership has expanded to the drilling and blasting segment, with expertise provided by the EVOBLAST Group.

MCU made it possible to mechanize the blaster’s work as much as possible, relieving him of some of the physical activities associated with transporting materials for charging. All required units are located in the vehicle very compactly: tanks with emulsion explosives components, a special cabinet with compartments for transporting initiation systems, folding structures and safety cages to move around the mine workings and to perform the work. A warm glass cabin allows a team of three blasters to move comfortably. The key feature of the unit is its complete technological sovereignty, as it is made from Russian components. Another advantage is its high maintainability.

“The project development took 6 months. The customer received a small and agile “assistant” that can provide linear meters to the planned excavation volumes due to the high productivity of the charging unit (up to 50 kg/min). The buggy can overcome serious slopes for descent and ascent (up to 35°), and also confidently “keep the ground under the wheel” due to the energy-intensive suspension and 3-pivot axles. Due to the chassis simple design the replacement parts can be easily found in any regional car service,” says Ivan Veselov, Director of Underground Mining of the EVOBLAST Group.

The developers did not ignore safety issues either. The truck crew is protected by a power frame certified according to ROPS/FOPS standards, as well as a folding safety structure for loading.
“Muravei” has already started working at the customer’s site. The group plans to produce two more chassis. It is also possible to scale the project to other mining sites in Russia.

25 November 2024
Integrated solutions of the EVOBLAST Group at the “Barents-Arctic Economic Partnership” conference

From November 14 to 15, 2024, the International Mining Conference “Barents-Arctic Economic Partnership – Looking into the Future” was held in Kirovsk. The organizers were the Government of the Murmansk Region, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Mining Council “Miners of Russia” and the Kola Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The EVOBLAST Group, a developer of integrated innovative solutions for drilling and blasting operations, acted as a partner of the event.

The participants discussed such issues as the effectiveness of interaction between scientific and educational organizations with mining companies, the problem of shortage of qualified personnel, and environmental safety. A separate session was devoted to the prospects for the development of the mining sector of the Murmansk Region.

Ivan Veselov, Director of the Underground operations of the EVOBLAST Group, presented solutions for drilling and blasting operations based on efficiency, safety and sovereignty. For example, the speaker presented several chassis for mixing and charging trucks. The designs were developed jointly with partners and are intended for sites of different scales. For example, a compact and maneuverable chassis with a lifting capacity of 0.6 tons was developed in collaboration with PICAR for small mines. Another domestic model can transport 1.3-2.3 tons of emulsion. And 2-3 tons and 4-6 tons chassis are designed for charging big volumes at large mines.

In addition, a line of domestic plastic equipment for mining was presented to the participants: casing pipes for bottom holes, charging hoses and housings for booster loading. Also, among the fully localized products, the expert mentioned the company’s own development, which is in demand on the market – the EVOSAB® emulsion explosive for underground mining. It is produced from domestic raw materials, and its properties meet all Russian and international quality standards.

For EVOBLAST Group, the Murmansk Region is a strategic region. Company branch offices operate in Kirovsk, Olenegorsk and Zapolyarny. The company follows a scientific approach in developing each of its solutions and strives to exchange opinions with professional and scientific communities.

The Barents-Arctic Economic Partnership conference has been held for 13 years already. During this time, it has become a landmark platform for the exchange of expertise between mining companies extracting and processing solid minerals in the Arctic zone.

12 November 2024
Safety technologies: EVOBLAST Group at the exhibition “Mine. Ural-2024”

From October 23 to 25, 2024, the International Exhibition of Mining Equipment and Technologies Mining Forum “Mine. Ural” were held in Yekaterinburg. EVOBLAST Group, a technological expert in the field of drilling and blasting operations and a developer of innovative solutions for the mining industry, participated in the business program. This year, the exhibition brought together more than 250 companies and 5,000 visitors from Russia and foreign countries. And as part of the forum business program, more than 150 experts discussed industry issues. In particular, a separate section was devoted to the introduction of safe technologies in the work of mining companies.

EVOBLAST Group acted as a partner of the “Mining Safety” section. Safety is the main value of the company at every stage of drilling and blasting operations. Sergey Moser, Director of Strategic Development of the EVOBLAST Group, Head of the EVOBLAST Engineering Department, devoted his report to improving the safety of blasting operations using modern electronic initiation systems (EBS). This advanced technology provides higher accuracy of detonator, has a lower error, and allows remote programming of the delay time. Another advantage is the ability to check the blast network wiring for unconnected or inoperative detonators. All these parameters increase the safety of blasting operations. In his report, Sergey also covered new partner developments of different chassis for locally produced mixing and charging trucks for underground mining, casing pipes for near-toe holes, charging hoses line, as well as a comprehensive solution for identification of rocks displacement after blast.
“The EVOBLAST Group has more than 15 years of experience in using EBS and in the nearest future plans a complete transition to electronic initiation systems at the sites where the Group carries out drilling and blasting operations,” Sergey clarified.
The company is always ready to share its expertise in the field of innovative technologies with colleagues in the industry. For example, EVOBLAST Engineering offers miners a practically oriented training course “Safe and Efficient Blasting Operations.”

12 November 2024
Independent decisions of the EVOBLAST Group at the session “New Times – New Heroes”

On October 10, 2024, an interactive session “New Times – New Heroes: from geological exploration to mining and processing plant” was held in Moscow as part of the Mining Forum MINEX Russia. The proprietary project of the “Marketing from Timchenko” agency brought together leading industry companies that, despite the challenges of the time, offer products and technologies to ensure the smooth operation of mining enterprises. The EVOBLAST Group acted as an evolutionary partner of the session, and also offered a range of import-independent solutions for drilling and blasting operations.

Sergey Moser, Director of Strategic Development of the EVOBLAST Group, Head of the EVOBLAST Engineering Department, presented innovative technologies for underground and opencast mining. They are based on efficiency, safety and affordability. The company presented several chassis of mixing and charging trucks, developed in collaboration with partners and intended for different scales mine sites. For example, a compact and maneuverable 0.6 tons chassis is a joint Russian development with the PICAR company. This “working ant” is designed for mines with small cross-sectional dimensions of workings. Another domestic model is capable of transporting 1.3-2.3 tons of emulsion. The chassis has been operating at one of the sites for six months and has proven itself well. 2-3 tons and 4-6 tons Chassis were also presented. The equipment is suitable for charging big volumes of several faces per day at large mines. All equipment meets the requirements of Russian enterprises and is affordable.

“When developing each solution, the EVOBLAST Group focuses on the production independence. The products are developed by Russian engineers, manufactured from local or available components. For example, today we presented plastic casing pipes for pre-bottom boring holes, charging hoses and housings for loading intermediate initiating charges. Several years ago, we took a course on import substitution and in short possible time, jointly with our partners, we received high-quality plastic equipment, which we are rightfully proud of. Now these products are successfully used by several mining companies,” said Sergey Moser.

The EVOBLAST Group also reminded about one of the most popular products at the Russian industry market – the EVOSAB® emulsion explosive for underground mining. This company development practically has no competitors due to its energy properties.

Another presentation was devoted to solutions for minimizing environmental risks during mining operations. Adelina Lusis, leading specialist in licensing and permitting work at the EVOBLAST Group, shared the results of a study aimed at environmental stabilization of dusty surfaces of an apatite-nepheline tailings dump in the conditions of the Kola North.

The Murmansk region is a strategic region for the development of mineral deposits, as a result of which vegetation cover has completely disappeared from many quarries and 17 major tailings dumps. According to engineering and geological characteristics, such territories are prone to dusting, which causes chemical pollution of air, soil, water, and has a negative impact on public health.

“Our task was to develop an effective and economically optimal plan for eliminating accumulated environmental damage. A study of sand, soil, rainwater, and 13 plant species was conducted at one of the quarries. As a result, optimal types of soil conditioners, grass, and trees were determined. From 2019 to 2023, we sowed and observed several experimental plots in a sand quarry. Waste from the water supply and sewerage system was used for irrigation: clarified municipal wastewater and sewage sludge. The results have paid off: in a few years, the plants took root well, and a fairly rich phytocenosis was formed. “And now we can offer the industry a new, cost-effective, environmentally friendly method of reclaiming quarries and tailings,” Adelina Lusis said about the project. And this study formed the basis of Adelina’s thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in “Geoecology”, which she defended in early October at the Institute for Integrated Development of Subsoil named after Academician N.V. Melnikov of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The special guest of the interactive session “New Times – New Heroes” was Yulia Bulgakova, director of IN VITRO VISION, a Russian developer and manufacturer of software and hardware solutions and systems for the mining industry. Right at the event, the company and the EVOBLAST Engineering division signed a partnership agreement. The partners launched a project to develop a technology for determining the rock mass displacement after the blast. It involves analytical processing of images using machine vision systems.

25 September 2024
On the Way to Technological Leadership: EVOBLAST Group at the Conference “Actual Problems of Mining and Blasting”

The 25th Scientific and Practical Conference “Actual Problems of Mining and Blasting” was held in Kaspiysk (RF) from September 9 to September 13, 2024. The event was organized by the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization (ANO) “National Organization of Blasting Engineers” (NOIV) and EXPERT CENTER LLC together with the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the problems of the national economic use of blasts. EVOBLAST Group, the technological leader of the Russian market in the field of drilling and blasting, sponsored the event and participated in the business program.

The conference business program included more than 40 expert presentations, seminars and advanced training courses. Representatives of largest companies, scientific and government organizations discussed major aspects of mining, blasting, explosives production and use, as well as the results of work in the direction of import substitution and ensuring the industry sovereignty.

Sergey Mozer, Director for Strategic Development of the EVOBLAST Group, member of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the problems of the national economic use of blasts, Candidate of Technical Sciences, made a presentation on “Nitrogen oxides in blasting operations – the main mechanisms of formation and options for elimination”. The paper, based on the results of comprehensive laboratory and practical studies, was prepared in collaboration with Anton Kondrashov, Managing Director of the Group. In his speech, Sergey Mozer noted the importance of observing the correct emulsion explosives production and charging technologies to minimize the formation of nitrogen oxides during drilling and blasting. The presentation received a lively response from the professional community.

Many conference papers were devoted to the significance of the of electronic initiation devices (EBS) use. EVOBLAST Group experts support this trend, as the company heads for a complete transition to EBS and conducts researches to improve this technology.

Also at the event, an award ceremony was held for contribution to the development of industry. The awards were presented to Anton Kondrashov, Managing Director of EVOBLAST Group, Vyacheslav Grinin, Director for Development and Innovations, and Ivan Dobrynin, Deputy General Director for Licensing and authorization. Nikolay Vyatkin, President of ANO NOIV, noted at the award ceremony that EVOBLAST Group always strives to attract to the team the most highly professional personnel in the country.

Anton Kondrashov, Managing Director of the EVOBLAST Group, stressed that the results of the fruitful work of the conference show the right course of the scientific community towards technological leadership, wished success to the conference participants and assured that the Group will work even more efficiently to achieve technological sovereignty. The conference “Actual Problems of Mining and Blasting” annually brings together the largest players in the industry. The main purpose of the event was to discuss a wide range of issues related to mining and blasting operations, the production of ammonium nitrate and initiating devices, identifying promising areas for the creation and development of new equipment and technologies, considering the reduction of seismic, dust, gas and environmental load on protected facilities.

17 July 2024
EVOBLAST Group took part in conference of Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources (IPKON)

The 6th conference “Problems and Prospects of Integrated Development and Conservation of the Earth’s Interior” sponsored by the EVOBLAST Group was held in Moscow. The Melnikov Institute for Integrated Development of Mineral Resources of the Russian Academy of Sciences was the venue of the event. The conference was attended by representatives of scientific organizations, industrial companies, as well as young scientists, post graduate students, students of specialized Universities from Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, and China.

Speakers – heads and scientists of academic, industrial and educational institutes, as well as employees of mining companies discussed hot topics of the industry and offered their solutions within the framework of 4 sessions and 134 papers. The participants discussed problems of mining safety analyses, the possibility of computer modeling of hydrofracturing, methods for assessing the impact of blasting devices on the state of the rock mass, the problems of developing new geotechnologies to identify and develop previously inaccessible earth crust interior and much more. At the end of the conference, the organizers awarded the 8 best papers of young scientists under 35 years old. The nominees were awarded diplomas and memorable gifts from the EVOBLAST Group.

“Our company has historically adhered to an integrated scientific approach in its work. This is what drives the development of technology, scientific and technological progress in mining. The conference is a platform for the exchange of experience between practitioners – industry enterprises, representatives of the scientific community, the younger generation. Therefore, we decided to support young scientists who are just starting their journey in mining,” said Anton Kondrashov, Managing Director of EVOBLAST Group.

03 June 2024
EVOBLAST Group presented its developments at the conference “Innovative Trends in the Design of Mining Companies” in St. Petersburg

The XI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovative Trends in the Design of Mining Companies” was held from May 29 to June 1, 2024, in the Northern Capital of the RF. Within the walls of the St. Petersburg Mining University of Empress Catherine II, representatives of leading companies, the scientific community of Russia and other countries discussed the issues of safe and efficient development of mineral deposits.

EVOBLAST Group was the Silver Sponsor of the conference. The company’s experts presented their own experience in the development of explosives, as well as breakthrough technologies and solutions in the field of drilling and blasting.

At the opening, Group Managing Director Anton Kondrashov emphasized that all the company’s projects are based on a scientific approach, therefore it is extremely important to maintain a continuous dialogue with the scientific community, exchange knowledge and best practices for the development of the entire mining industry.

Sergey Mozer, General Director of EVOBLAST Engineering, spoke within the framework of the section “Modern technologies for drilling and blasting operations”. He spoke about a new technologically independent product – the EVOSAB® emulsion explosive for underground operations and the process of its development.

In turn, Denis Isupov, Engineer for the Introduction of the EVOBLAST Group New Equipment and Technology, presented a paper to the audience on the use of electronic initiation systems to minimize the flyrock effect.

“Our common goal is to improve drilling and blasting operations, both in opencast and underground mines. We strive to make them as effective and safe as possible for people and the environment. Our experience, continuously developed innovative engineering solutions, as well as the expertise of colleagues in the industry help us in this,” said Sergey Mozer.

EVOBLAST Group is a technological leader in the field of drilling and blasting in the Russian market, a developer, manufacturer and supplier of advanced commercial explosives and engineering services for the mining and construction industries. The company provides a full range of drilling and blasting services and specializes in providing premium quality solutions: emulsion explosives for opencast and underground mines, initiation systems, comprehensive expert services for effective drilling and blasting operations. Close cooperation with the scientific community is one of the priority directions.

28 May 2024
Expert approach: EVOBLAST Group presented its development strategy at the Exhibition – Mining World Russia 2024

From April 23 to April 25, 2024, the International Exhibition of Machinery and Equipment for Mining, Processing and Transportation of Minerals – the Mining World Russia, once again brought together in Moscow leading manufacturers, suppliers and consumers of machines, equipment and technologies for mining, processing and transportation of minerals. This year, 578 companies from 16 countries participated in the exhibition, the number of visitors exceeded 8,000 people.

EVOBLAST Group, a technological leader in the Russian market in the field of drilling and blasting, the developer, manufacturer and supplier of advanced commercial explosives and engineering services for the mining and construction industries, demonstrated at its stand high-demand technologies and products. Also, within the framework of the exhibition, several high-profile premieres from the company took place.

Firstly, during the exhibition, the Group presented its own development for underground mining – an innovative emulsion explosive EVOSAB® for raise charging, which is completely import independent.

Another premiere was the acquaintance of participants and guests with the new division of the Group – EVOBLAST Engineering. Its tasks are the development of innovative technologies in the field of opencast and underground mining, their introduction at customer’s sites, consulting and audits of drilling and blasting operations, as well as advanced training of blasting experts.

According to Sergey Mozer, Director for Strategic Development of EVOBLAST Group and General Director of EVOBLAST Engineering, the company is an aggregator of engineering solutions and intellectual products for blasting. One of the subdivision’s activities is also a 4-day practical consulting course “Safe and Effective Blasting”, aimed at improving the blasters’ skills working with modern technologies. It contains both an interesting theoretical part and unique practical cases. Sergey Mozer noted that, this course aroused keen interest of the Exhibition participants and guests.

The EVOBLAST Group, both independently and jointly with scientific communities and other companies, develops new software products and digital solutions. One of the promising collaborations began within the framework of the exhibition. The company has signed a strategic partnership agreement with Piklema, a developer of complex technological processes for the mining industry.

Mikhail Makeev, Piklema CEO, revealed the essence of the innovative project of the two companies:
“Together with our colleagues from the EVOBLAST Group, we are working on the development of an automatic system using artificial intelligence and computer vision technologies. It will help to monitor continuously the face and further analyze the entire volume of the blasted block fragmentation, which can improve the efficiency of drilling and blasting planning. Our company is a developer of digital solutions. Besides this, EVOBLAST Group has unique expertise in drilling and blasting operations. And EVOBLAST Engineering will introduce our joint development at the sites. Without false modesty, I can say that our product in many ways is already ahead of world analogues.”

All activities of the EVOBLAST Group are aimed at comprehensive assistance to mining companies to increase the productivity and efficiency of opencast and underground drilling and blasting operations.

“We provide our customers not just with high-quality products or innovative technologies, but with a comprehensive offer and our expertise, from design to drilling and blasting operations at the mine sites. The high interest at Mining World in our products and services once again emphasizes that we are moving in the right direction,” said Anton Kondrashov, Managing Director of EVOBLAST Group.

“We provide customers not just with high-quality products or innovative technologies, but with a comprehensive offer and our expertise, from design to drilling and blasting operations at the site. The high interest at MiningWorld in our products and services once again emphasizes that we are moving in the right direction,” said Anton Kondrashov, Managing Director of EVOBLAST Group.

27 December 2023
EVOBLAST Group of Companies continues to use radio blasting technology at its sites to maintain the safety of drilling and blasting operations.

The technology makes it possible to reduce the time of preparation for blasting and reduce the cost of initiation network wiring to transfer the detonating impulse.

The system consists of a control panel, a receiver, a spark arrester and an antenna on a tripod or on a magnetic base. The developers have looked ahead and made two configurations to initiate one, two, or more rounds.

The radio-controlled starter, operating both with an electric detonator and a shock wave tube, can transmit and receive a radio signal at a distance of up to 7000 meters in line-of-sight conditions. The standby time of the receiver is 24 hours. Thanks to the use of two independent firing codes, the device is protected against false tripping in the “starter – receiver” channel.

When a radio signal is sent from the starter (control panel), the receiver executes the command and sends the confirmation back to the panel. Thus, the operator monitors the initiation status in real time. In the mass initiation mode (up to 40 receivers), the radio communication range between the panel and the receiver can reach 7000 m in line-of-sight conditions, and so the registration of the RF spectrum use is not required.

The control panel and receiver units are user-friendly and easy to use, with the help of light indicators, you can

constantly monitor the quality of the radio signal. In case of power surge, a backup power source is available.

Special attention should be paid to the ability of the system to control several receivers with a PC or tablet based on Windows 7 OS and higher, including the ability to remotely change the parameters of the receiver: delay time, initiation sequence, etc. The system is also stable in the temperature range from -40 to +50C.

Today, the Group’s specialists successfully carry out mass blasts at distances of up to 2.5 km between the command and receiving units in difficult conditions.

“Before blasting operations, the system was first tested. In the complete absence of line of sight and the presence of obstacles in the form of natural relief, the quality of the radio signal was excellent. All the open-cast mines where EVOBLAST GC operates have been equipped with the new system. Before the work started at each mine site, the employees had induction sessions and required training in special training classes. The new unit completely meets one of the important principles of the EVOBLAST GK – safety. We continuously increase safety requirements at the sites, improve, replenish and introduce new technologies to minimize all risks for both personnel and the environment,” emphasized Sergey Kovalkov, Technical Director of EVOBLAST Group of Companies.
